Oxford Falls Chiropractor

Oxford Falls Chiropractor

Our team at Massey Family Chiropractic Centre is committed to providing you with the best possible Chiro care in Oxford Falls. Our doctors are among the best chiropractors in Forestville, and they will work hard to ensure that you receive the personalized care that you deserve.

We are here to help with your health and wellness needs!

Our Chiro practice is dedicated to helping each patient achieve optimal health from infancy through adulthood. We provide a wide range of services including chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy. We also offer nutritional counseling with in-house labs for comprehensive testing for bone density and cardiovascular fitness level.

Chiropractors use a variety of treatment techniques including spinal adjustments, exercise therapy and strengthening exercises, massage therapy, cold therapy (e.g., ice packs), electric muscle stimulation, heat therapy (e.g., paraffin wax baths), soft tissue manipulation and stretching. In addition they employ diagnostic procedures such as x-rays and laboratory tests to determine if there are any metabolic disturbances which might be causing problems in their patients’ health.

We are located on 5/21 Oaks Ave, Dee Why, Sydney, in the heart of the Northern Beaches near Oxford Falls.

To arrange an appointment for your newborn, baby or infant please contact one of our helpful receptionists today on (Sydney) (02) 9971 9597 or make an enquiry on our website.