Back pain can come from numerous sources. Pain can come from the joints, ligaments, discs and muscles. Restriction of movement and referred pain are common.
Back pain can be local or referred from muscles, ligaments and nerves. Muscles and ligaments can be strained or sprained. Back spinal joints that are inflamed and or arthritic can also be a source of pain. Restricted movement is common.
Spinal misalignment (and abnormal spinal bio-mechanics) are very common and the effect of these left uncorrected in the body is the major cause of back pain. The nerves in the upper lumbar spine supply the groin, thigh and knee so when they get irritated they can refer pain into these areas. The nerves in the lower lumbar spine supply the hamstring, calf and foot so when they get irritated they can refer pain to these areas. People that sit down for long periods are especially prone to back pain. Improper lifting technique (bending and twisting) and lifting stuff that’s too heavy is also a major cause of back pain.