To discuss your treatment needs and arrange an appointment for treatment please contact us.
What Is Chiro?

Chiropractic Treatment Plan | Massey Family Chiropractor
How Many Chiropractic Treatments Do You need?
Massey Family Chiropractor offers 3 types of chiropractic care: Primary care, corrective care and supportive care.
How many treatments you require depend on what your goals are and the type of condition that you have.

Primary Care Treatment
Focus of the initial treatments is to identify the cause of the patient’s problem and focus on giving pain relief. Chiropractic often can give immediate relief – depending on the condition.
Chiropractic care corrects spinal misalignment and abnormal spinal function to take load off the damaged areas of the spine allowing the body to heal itself. Treatment is usually more frequent initially till symptoms resolve. If the patient chooses this type of care only they are discharged once the pain has resolved.

Corrective Care Treatment
Corrective care is an extension of pain relief however treatment is continued beyond when the pain has gone. Treatment is directed at correcting all misalignment throughout the spine to improve function and help prevent recurrences. Treatment can also involve specific patient centered rehab exercises.

Supportive Care Treatment
For those with chronic conditions on-going supportive care may be advisable. Once initial primary and corrective care treatment have been completed a time can be scheduled for a supportive care visit to check that adjustments to your spine have been holding and to keep your symptoms to a minimum and reduce the chance of their increasing over time. In such cases the supportive care schedule frequency your chiropractor recommends will depend on your age and condition.
Why choose the Massey Family Chiropractic Centre
To discuss your treatment needs and arrange an appointment for treatment please contact one of our helpful receptionists today on (Sydney) (02) 9971 9597 or make an enquiry.