Pain from the nerves is often intense and accompanied with pins and needles and numbness. Spasms occur in the muscles that the nerve supplies. If severe enough weakness and paralysis can occur.
The most common areas where nerve damage occurs in practice are the sciatica (back of leg), femoral nerve (front of leg) and the arm from the lower cervical nerves.
Sciatica translates from Latin to mean leg pain. Medically it refers to pain in the back of the leg due to irritation of the sciatic nerve – which is derived from the L4 to S1 nerve roots these exit from the lower lumbar spine. The sciatic nerve is like a cable and when irritated can affect the hamstring, calf and foot. Nerve roots above this level form the femoral nerve and supply the front of the thigh and groin. Irritation to the lower cervical nerves can cause pain, weakness, spasms, pins and needles and paralysis in the arm and hand.